Dark Realms of Lanadia Wiki

The Dark Realms of Lanadia is a Dungeons and Dragons Campeing setting taking place on the Planet of Lanadia.

Welcome to the Dark Realms of Lanadia Wiki!

Long ago, Before Time had a name a powerful unthinkable deity created the univers and set it in motion he created four daughters the oldest created the Sun, The Second created the Moon, The third created the Stars. The last created the world and let the other "Spirits" into the world and they created their races, beasts, and Civiliation.

This world is a Dungeons and Dragons, Mid Magic world. Powerful Empires stand in the way of Evil Tyrants and Lichs. Deadly Monsters roam the Landscape. It is your choice to make or break the world. Will you be a hero....

This Wiki is for DMs and Players for creating a world inside the Dark Lands setting. This wiki has everything from towns to gods to important people and timelines.

To get started why not visit the gods

Welas God of Giants

Akagol goddess of chaos

Cimitar god of steel

Azurus god of Trolls

These are just to name a few

The maps[]

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